Friday, February 22, 2013

So, here I am sitting in my blanket fort.......

So, here I am sitting in my blanket fort......

No really, I totally am! I dropped my youngest off at Young Life in Grants Pass 
so he go be a kid and have fun. I came home to get a little more work done and go to bed early.
Then I was sitting at my computer starting to work and I thought “Blanket Fort!
 I want to build a blanket fort!” So, I did.

And why not? Just because I am an “adult” does not mean I should not have fun doing
some of the same things I enjoyed as a kid. I LOVED blanket forts growing up. Then when I
had kids, who do you think was the first person to suggest “the kids” build a blanket fort?
Now the kids are too old (or so they think) to do silly kid stuff anymore.

A grownup is a child with layers on.  ~Woody Harrelson
I spend a lot of time being serious.  I attend meetings, wear suits, hold people
accountable and I am the person that others come to for help much of the time.
 I enjoy all of those things. I am that person...most of the time.
 The other part of me loves to laugh. I love to be completely silly. I have
even been known to roll around on the floor with duct tape stuck to my rear end trying to
be the one with the most q-tips stuck to me. You should try it, it is harder then you think!

Some of my most creative and productive ideas come from my not caring what anyone
else thinks and just going with my gut.  Having a little fun with my inner child.  There are
some very serious people in this world shooting at each other with marshmallows through
PVC pipes thanks to my inner child.  Imagine what barriers could be broken down if we
just let our hair down and let people see the softer or silly side of us now and then. Imagine
if no one was intimidated by anyone else, what we could accomplish.

So, as I sit here alone in my fort,
 (except for the two dogs a cat and the squeaky toy that is now under my left leg)
 I encourage you to peel back some of those adult layers this week, do something you loved as a kid,
Just don't hurt yourself.
Ride on a shopping cart though the parking lot of your local grocery store. Skip down the
street instead of walking. Invite some friends over and play monopoly or to do each others hair.
 (Those of you who no longer have hair, let your wife draw a pretty picture on your head. 
Just a suggestion to my husband Dave!)
Watch old cartoons or eat whipped cream straight out of the can (my personal favorite).
Life is too short to always be serious, to always be working.  I could have gotten some
work” done tonight, but I think my soul needed to sit in my fort instead.

I would love your comments below with some of your favorite child like things to do.

1 comment:

  1. Many things you have listed and a few more: forts, monopoly (which I've played as an adult), trampolining...especially jumping on a wet trampoline on a hot summer day, ghost in the graveyard, just to name a few. Marshmallow shooter wars is a new favorite thanks to you! I can't wait til or next encounter. :-)
