Thursday, January 31, 2013

Are you passionate about what you do?

"Chase down your passion like it's the last bus of the night"  Terri Guillemets

I am very blessed to have been put in a position where I can coach and inspire those around me, especially business professionals.  One thing I always tell people is; if you are not passionate about what you are trying to inspire in others, how do you expect them to be passionate about it? 

Are you passionate about your business?  Do you enjoy what you are doing?  If the answer is yes, then when you are talking about it, don't just tell people, show them how you feel. 
We all get into the rut of our day to day lives and sometimes we lose sight of why we are in the business or job we are in.  So, how can you tap into that passion?

I encourage you to ask yourself these questions:

What is your favorite thing about what you do? 

If your answer is " I get to help people" that's great. But what is it about helping those people that makes your internal cash register go Cha-ching! 

There are several things that I love about coaching and training.  One of them is when I am conducting a training session and some of the people that are in the room are shaking their heads in agreement and their faces light up because they just "got it".  Oh yeah, cha-ching! 
When someone comes up to me weeks or months later after I have met with them and they say "I did what you told me to do....and it worked!  Thank you!"  I must admit, there have been times when I don't even remember the conversation, but the fact that something I said or did had a positive influence on their life....cha-ching! 

Who are your favorite clients?

If you really start to think about the clients you love most, the passion and enthusiasm comes through automatically.  You may find yourself smiling while you are thinking about them or maybe even crying. 
When I think about some of the women I had the pleasure to work with as an advocate for victims of sexual assault, I can almost put myself right back in that moment.  The feelings are still so real.  It's a great way to get reconnected to my why. 

Maybe your passion comes from something completely different.  Maybe you enjoy the challenge of your work or the physical nature of it.  If you build things, you might love seeing the finished product.

Whatever it is about what you do that makes you happy, I hope you will start to focus on that.  When you talk about what you do to others, your happiness will come through.  More importantly however, you will feel that passion build up inside of you.  When you have the passion and purpose in what you do, motivation comes easily.
"What lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny matters compared to what lives within us" Henry Dave Thoreau

I hope you are able to tap into what lives within you and share it with the world.

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