Thursday, November 13, 2014

Turning dreams into babies.

When I was in my 20s, I had a friend who had been trying to conceive a child with his wife for years. I remember thinking, “What a wonderful gift it would be to surrogate for them”. Just when I came close to broaching the subject, they found out that finally, they were pregnant. While I did not have the chance to give that gift, Erica Sanders of Medford has.

Erica too felt the calling of helping childless couples dreams of parenthood to come true. Erica took it one step further and contacted a surrogacy center. A few years, lots of paperwork and several doctor visits later, she was pregnant....with TWINS!

If you saw this petite powerhouse, you might begin to understand what a task birthing twins must have been. I asked Erica what her favorite part of being a surrogate was, and she said “Giving the parents their babies.” What a gift!

Erica is very passionate about surrogacy, so much so that she has opened Southern Oregon Surrogacy Center in Medford. While going through the process as a surrogate and having close contact with the parents, Erica learned a lot about the surrogacy process. She knows what it takes to be a surrogate and how important it is to keep the relationship with the parents to be. There is something to be said for being intimately involved and learning what NOT to do in the future as well.

The Southern Oregon Surrogacy Center is the first of its kind in Southern Oregon. According to Sanders and, Oregon has some of the top fertility clinics in the world. I was surprised to find out that many of the surrogacy centers are owned by attorneys. Erica hopes to make the Southern Oregon Surrogacy Center one that is family focused. She is hoping to help couples turn dreams into babies.

If you are interested in becoming a surrogate or would like to find out about becoming parents through this process, you can contact Erica at (541) 414-8181. I am so proud to know this young lady. It takes real commitment and fortitude to not only give this wonderful gift of life, but to then follow your dreams of helping others as well.

Monday, July 28, 2014

Why I was willing to waste 8 hours with my new cell phone company

     What is your biggest pet peeve when it comes to customer service?  Mine is being ignored or disrespected (I guess that is two).   I recently left my local cell phone company that we had been with for over 10 years.  This was not an easy decision.  I did not know if our  business cell phone numbers would  be lost in the process  but I was willing to risk it.  I had to pick out a new phone (pay for a new phone), and the worst part, I had to convince my husband that we should change and then get him down to the cell store to pick out a new phone.  If you knew my husband  you would understand what a difficult task this was.
     Why would I be willing to leave a 10 year relationship with a company?  They ignored me. They did not want to take responsibility for dropped calls , (I  called the main company), and when I went into the local stores  I was ignored.
     After much research I decided I would switch to Verizon. I called the local corporate store of Verizon to make an appointment and was told " I will look for you then” and “ I will make sure I am available."  Even though he was not available we got there (as he was finishing up with another client), he checked in with us several times.  Other employees checked with us to make sure we were being helped as well.  We may have waited 15 minutes, but we were being acknowledged over and over again so it did not seem to bother us. 
     To make a long story short, we spent several hours in the Verizon store.  We picked out cell phones, talked about service, purchased phones, ported numbers...etc.  I now know the man who was helping us on a first name basis, his family situation and past job.  He knows much of the same about me.  This was not just a transaction, it was time spent developing a relationship to best help the customer.
    Two days after getting my phone I found out I was not receiving texts from a couple of people who were still customers of my old cell phone service provider.  I spent about an hour and a half on the phone with tech support, went into the store, did internet research and still could not fix the problem. Off to the store again,  I went to ask for help.  I think half the staff that day, along with tech support, tried to fix the issue to no avail.  So, they gave me a new phone and new sim card.  I spent 3.5 hours in the store just on this issue.  I should be really upset, but I'm not.  The employee's apologized for the wait, engaged me in conversation and kept trying new things to fix the issue.  A manager came over and apologized again saying "I am really sorry, this is not the experience we want you to have your first two weeks with Verizon."  The crazy thing is, even though I spent so much time dealing with "technical difficulties" I knew that they were trying to help me and I felt taken care of.  
     EVERYONE makes mistakes.  Everyone has a bad day now and then. Technical or other difficulties are going to happen.  It is how we respond to those mistakes and difficulties that count.  Because the local Verizon store took the time to acknowledge that this was indeed a problem, their fault or not, they were not willing to stop until I was happy.  Eight hours, in total, on this issue (I don't have 8 hours to give up) and I am still a happy Verizon customer. 
The moral of my story? Acknowledge your customers!  Let them know you care and step up when there is an issue.  You will be surprised at the loyal advocates you develop for your business.  Heck, they may even write a blog about you!  :)

Monday, July 7, 2014

Waiting on Perfection

 I can't do that....I am not skinny enough yet. I can't teach that class, I don't 
know absolutely everything. I can't post grammar is not always 
perfect. These are the things that run through my head.....constantly. 

 The things I let my inner critic hold me back from is sometimes mind 
boggling. The amount of weight I give to what other people think and what 
they say about what I do, is even more mind boggling. 

 I have avoided (and probably will continue to avoid) being in videos, 
pictures and television commercials because I don't like the way I look. I 
have turned down opportunities to teach classes and take on clients until I 
am so over loaded with information that I could almost start a new business 
just on that subject. I am an over learner, which at times can come in handy. 
However, in the meantime I am depriving others of information that could 
help them while I am waiting on perfection. 

 I have avoided posting things on facebook and writing blogs because my 
grammar, no matter how hard I try, never seems to be perfect enough for 
what I call the grammar police. 

 So, here are my choices. Curl up in the fetal position and sink into 
obscurity (my first and most comfortable inclination) or continue to try and 
push myself to do the things that make me uncomfortable. I can continue 
to let shame run who I am or I can continue to be my imperfect, flawed but 
worthy of love and respect self. 

 This was a big vulnerable blog for me. I hope, that with my stepping out 
it encourages someone else who needs to hear this message. What you have 
to contribute could be the one thing that could change someones business, 
relationship or life. 

Waiting on perfection is a losing battle.

"It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out 
how the strong man stumbles, or where the doer of deeds 
could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man 
who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and 
sweat and blood; who strives valiantly; who errs, who comes 
short again and again, because there is no effort without 
error and shortcoming; but who does actually strive to do the 
deeds; who knows great enthusiasms, the great devotions; 
who spends himself in a worthy cause; who at the best knows 
in the end the triumph of high achievement, and who at the 
worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly, so that 
his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who 
neither know victory nor defeat"

Theodore Roosevelt

Thursday, June 12, 2014

What a Difference an attitude makes


The other day I went shopping.  It is something I don't do very often for two obvious reasons...time and money.  However, since I am in the Bay Area I decided to take a break from writing and walk down to our local shopping center. 

The first store I stopped at was T.J Max.  I generally don't enjoy clothes shopping and I kept stalling before I finally decided to try some things on.  As it turned out, I tried a lot on (I am hard to fit and harder to please).  The lady who was working the fitting room smiled as I approached with my HUGE pile of potentials.  She then asked me if I found everything ok, took some of my now tangled mess and helped me separate and count them.  Once counted, she handed me my number and wished me luck.  I ended up needing two trips into the fitting room to try everything on.  She helped me with a smile, some kind words and when I said thank you she said "You're very welcome". 

In my pile of things I tried on, I found a skirt I liked, but needed a top to go with it.  So, off to another store I went.  While looking I found an employee and told her I wanted to try their tops on with a skirt I just bought at their competitors. "Can I bring this bag in the fitting room?" I asked.  In broken English and no smile she simply said "Go ahead."  That was it.  No, "Sure, thanks for asking." or "Can I help you find anything." Just "Go ahead."
 My next experience with this employee was in the fitting room.  I found that some hangers had been switched and the sizes on the hangers were much different than the actual garments. So, I found the proper sizes, came back into the fitting room and explained what I found.  She basically shrugged and ignored me.  I went ahead and made the switch myself.  (I also refold the clothes I look at and put them neatly back on the rack.  I am weird that way.)

Off to the next store I went.  Rummaging through the racks I found a few things I thought might match my skirt (and a lot more).  Walking up to the fitting room I noticed a lady who worked there on the wall phone talking and laughing.  I also noticed a line of about 5 people.  She motioned for one of us to put our clothes up on the bar to have them counted and then gave out the appropriate number. She then motioned (almost like shooing) the person towards the fitting rooms.  All this time she was on the phone.  Once I was done with my first set of 8 I asked her if she could keep the two I wanted to purchase while I tried on the rest.  "I don't have room to keep them.  Look at all these clothes.  Sorry." 

I couldn't help but notice the VAST difference in my experience from one store to another.  And it was all because of the attitude of the employee’s that I had dealt with. 

Maybe it is just me, but I think smiling, acknowledging and making a little small talk is good business.

What a difference a good attitude and a little bit of kindness can make. :)  
#positive #attitude #tjmax
#ross #kohls

Thursday, May 29, 2014

The ultimate case for what NOT to do when networking

When I wrote this blog, I was still a bit upset by what happened.  It is not my usual happy, positive tone, but I am posting it anyway.  I think it is important to make this point.  

I hope you enjoy it!                                

Recently I was at a networking event that I hosted called Walk and Talk.  We had some familiar faces and a couple of new people I had never met before attend.  I was very excited to make new contacts and see if these were people I wanted to continue a business relationship with from here. 
As we were getting ready to start our networking and walking I wanted to make sure to lay down some ground rules.  I said " Now, I just want to establish some ground rules.  We are not here to sell to each other, we are here to develop relation..." when one of the new attendees  interrupts me and says "I am going to pass out my son's business cards.  He is a handyman.  He is really good. You should hire him."  
After he was done trying to sell his son's services to us, I finished up the ground rules and said "Okay, let's pair up for our first lap..." (we were walking in a mall) when he interrupts again and says pointing at me "I want to walk with you."  I finished pairing people up explained that we had half a lap to talk about our business and then we needed to switch and let the other person talk.   
As we start our netwalking, my first question to my new found friend (enter sarcastic tone here) is.."So, you said you do marketing. What kind of marketing?"  "All kinds.  I want to be paid to do what I am doing for my son."  I did what I would do for anyone, which was ask more clarifying questions and even gave him some ideas on how maybe he could do that to make money.  When we were almost done with our lap he finally says "I want to know about what you do."     I start to explain some of the things I do for my clients when interrupts for third time and excitedly says "That's what I want to do!"  He then proceeds to tell me why he would be good at what I do. 
He talks about how wonderful he is until we stop where we were to switch and talk to someone else for a lap.  As others are finishing their conversations, he is still talking about himself and then he finally says "So, I will go out and get some customers, then, I will call you (as he mimics a phone with his hand to his ear) and you can tell me what to do."  YES HE JUST WENT THERE     I kindly yet firmly said "I actually get paid for that." To which he replies as he playfully pushes my shoulder....."Not if we are friends...right?!"  Seriously...I couldn't make this stuff up.
To make a long story short, my conversations with him did not get any better as the hour went on. 
My interaction with this man was wrong on so many levels that it is almost difficult to conceive that one person could be that rude, arrogant or clueless. I am not an expert, but I did not get the feeling that he was disabled or had any other mental or social disorder.  He was just all about HIM.
The moral of my story?  Experts in their field are experts because they have taken the time, money and hands on experience to get there.  If you want to take them to coffee and pick their brain you should expect to pay for their time.  Or, at the very least, offer to help them in some way in return.  Can you refer them to someone who might be a potential client or referral source? Unfortunately I am probably guilty of not doing enough to repay those who have helped me.
Lasting and beneficial business relationships are established by creating trust.  In most cases trust takes time, nurturing and proof we are worthy of it.  So, next time you get really excited to tell someone what you are thinking....take a breath and let them finish their sentence. 
In other words heed the saying:
          "We have two ears and one mouth so that we can listen twice as much as we speak."

Before you walk into an event or even coffee with a colleague try checking your motives before you go in. 

What do you want these people to learn about you and more importantly, how can you help them?  This is help to make the experience better for both of you.  Happy Networking!